PhD and Postdoc Matchmaking Event in Argentina
(27.02.20) On 16 March, the DFG will take part in a PhD and postdoc matchmaking event in the Argentinian capital Buenos Aires. The event will be held at the Centro Cultural de la Ciencia (C3), Polo Científico Tecnológico, Godoy Cruz 2270 (C1425FQD), between 9am and 2pm. Preceding the International Higher Education Fair of Argentina (FIESA), it is aimed at anyone interested in studying and researching in Germany. Participants will have the opportunity for one-on-one consultations with representatives of German universities, research institutions and funding organisations.

Participants will have the opportunity to have one-on-one consultations with representatives of German universities, research institutions and funding organisations.
© DAAD/Kesselaar
As a place of research, Germany offers a growing level of excellence, innovation and above all a warm welcome to researchers and students from all over the world, underpinned by a community of universities and research institutions engaged in basic and applied research. Research topics and funding in Germany are not subject to any topic constraints. They also cover a wide range of different fields, with a strong focus on future-oriented research areas of global relevance. Worldwide, Germany is one of the biggest investors in research and development and it attracts a growing number of students and researchers from all nations.
The range of possible locations and funding opportunities for training and research in Germany is wide and complex, which can make it difficult to find the most suitable option for the individual researcher. The event in Buenos Aires aims to help researchers interested in working in Germany to identify which programme and which institution is most suitable for them. Participants can arrange one-to-one consultations with representatives of German institutions to discuss the optimum type of research visit and funding format.
In addition to the DFG, the following German institutions have confirmed their participation: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bavarian Academic Center for Latin America (BAYLAT), Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Saarland University, Technical University of Munich (TUM), Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin), University of Bayreuth, University of Münster (WWU Münster), University of Potsdam, Free University of Berlin (FU Berlin) and University of Stuttgart.
The event is a unique opportunity to learn more about Germany as a place of research and technology and discover whether it could be a suitable option for your own study or research visit.
Meetings are organised by invitation only and require the completion of the online registration form.
The matchmaking event will be followed in the afternoon by another event, FIESA, in which other European institutions will also participate. The venue and programme for the afternoon event have yet to be confirmed.