(19.10.20) The DFG will be participating in the “Open Window Day” organised by the German Centre for Research and Innovation São Paulo (DWIH São Paulo) on 6 October. Once a year, the DWIH São Paulo opens its doors to the public to present its supporters’ activities. This year the event will take place online, though still involving the same broad range of German institutions. During the event, the DFG will present its work in Latin America and its most important funding programmes.
Dia de Janelas Abertas do Centro Alemão de Ciência e Inovação São Paulo (DWIH São Paulo)
© DWIH-SP/ Felipe Mairowski
The event will be held in Portuguese. There will be one block in the morning (10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m.) and another in the afternoon (2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.). At the end of each block, participants will be able to ask questions via chat.
In addition to the DFG, the following institutions will be taking part in the programme: Freie Universität Berlin, Technical University of Munich, University of Potsdam, University of Münster, RWTH Aachen University, Technische Universität Berlin and Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, as well as the German Academic Exchange Service, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Gesellschaft für Akademische Studienvorbereitung und Testentwicklung (g.a.s.t.) and the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.