Reports - Topics - News | 2022
GAIN taps into new target groups outside North America

For the first time ever, the GAIN Annual Conference wasn’t held in North America – but in Bonn
© GAIN/Michael Jordan
(09/23/22) For the first time in its history, the network meeting was held in Europe. Some 400 participants, including 250 postdocs, benefited from the opportunity to exchange ideas and engage in discussion.
DFG Office North America at the EU Open House in Washington, DC

Lively interest at the transatlantic science booth
© Deutsche Botschaft Washington
(06/27/22) More than 5,400 guests visited the Franco-German joint booth as part of the EU Open House. Along with various partners, the DFG office provided information about Germany as an excellent research location.
"Research in Germany" presents career paths and research opportunities in Germany at ASM Microbe 2022

Group picture
(06/27/22) After a pandemic-related hiatus, ASM Microbe 2022 brought microbiologists from around the world to Washington, D.C. From June 10-12, the DFG and partners provided information on funding and research opportunities in Germany at the "Research in Germany" information booth.
DFG Secretary General Attends Opening of DWIH San Francisco

(l-r) Dr. Thomas Fuchs, Dr. Silke Mühlstedt, Dr. Heide Ahrens, Dr.-Ing. Georg Bechtold, Lena Simon, Dr. Jörg Schneider
(06/10/22) DFG Secretary General Dr. Heide Ahrens travelled to the USA for the ceremonial opening of the 6th German Center for Research and Innovation in San Francisco. This was Ms. Ahrens’ first official trip abroad since taking office and since the start of the pandemic over two years ago.
DFG North America presents panel on research data infrastructure at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

AAAS Annual Meeting logo
(02/28/22) The DFG organized an exchange on the various initiatives in research data infrastructure on both sides of the Atlantic, bringing together representatives from the private sector, academia, and public administration.
Transatlantic Tandem Talk: Cluster of Excellence CECAD Researches Long Life

Transatlantic Tandem Talk Logo
© Universität Köln
(02/24/22) This time, the focus was on the work of the DFG-funded Cluster of Excellence CECAD at the University of Cologne and the Max Planck Institute for the Biology of Aging. The panel discussion, with an audience of almost 300 participants, was entitled "Healthy Aging: Brain Control of Longevity and Metabolism.”