Senate Commission on Agroecosystem Research
The appointment of the Senate Commission on Agroecosystem Research in 2012 focused attention on two topical subjects,
- “Increasing productivity per unit area while protecting natural resources and preserving ecosystem services” and
- “Research infrastructures: analysis and further development of basic institutional conditions that enhance the international visibility of agroecosystem research in Germany”,
as the basis for its six-year mandate (2012 to 2017) to address the future challenges associated with safeguarding the sustainable and resource-efficient production of biomass.
The Senate Commission also intends to promote relevant issues in nationally and internationally coordinated programmes. - Cross-disciplinary topic
“Cooperation with other bodies – internationally coordinated programmes”
By focusing on these topics, the Senate Commission aims to be able to propose measures and initiatives to position and further develop basic agricultural research in Germany. The commission also aims to develop approaches for the cross-disciplinary consolidation and coordination of scientific expertise, for the improvement of the research infrastructure and for the establishment of beneficial general conditions in agroecosystem research.
Working Groups:
Topic area 1:
- “Sustainable Intensification of Plant Production Systems” Working GroupInterne(externer Link)
- “Genotype x Environment x Management Interaction in Wheat Cultivation” Working Grou(externer Link)
Topic area 2:
- “Field Trial Infrastructure” Working Grou(externer Link)
- “Meta-analysis and Productivity Development of Crops” Working Grou(externer Link)
“Theory Construction” Working Grou(externer Link)
Cross-disciplinary topic “Cooperation with other bodies – internationally coordinated programmes”
- Cross-Commission Working Group “Infrastructure for Terrestrial Research(externer Link)
- “Infrastructures in Terrestrial Research” Working Group of the Alliance of Science Organisations in German(externer Link)
- “Research Infrastructure” Joint Working Group with Science Europ(externer Link)
- “Sustainable intensification in agriculture” Joint Working Group with the DKN I Future Eart(externer Link)
- Cooperation with the DFG Senate Commission on Genetic Researc(externer Link)
Touring exhibition‚ LandschafftRessourcen
Junior Researcher Academy
Further Information
1. DFG Senate Commission on Agroecosystem Research (2013): Field trial infrastructures – current situation and future prospects (available only in German). Position paper by the DFG Senate Commission on Agroecosystem Research. Lead authors: H. Stützel, N. Brüggemann, A. Fangmeier, F. Ordon, E. Schlecht, R. Seppelt, V. Wolters. p. 5.
2. DFG Senate Commission on Agroecosystem Research (2014): Sustainable and resource-efficient intensification of crop production: options for the future of agroecosystem research in Germany. Policy paper by the DFG Senate Commission on Agroecosystem Research. Lead authors: V. Wolters, J. Isselstein, H. Stützel, F. Ordon, C. von Haaren, E. Schlecht, J. Wesseler, R. Birner, M. v. Lützow, N. Brüggemann, B. Diekkrüger, A. Fangmeier, H. Flessa, H. Kage, M. Kaupenjohann, I. Kögel-Knabner, R. Mosandl, R. Seppelt. p. 18.
With the participation of the Senate Commission
Kögel-Knabner I., Grathwohl, P., Kothe E., Teutsch G., Vereecken H. and 20 other authors (2013). Strategy paper "Long-term perspectives and infrastructure in terrestrial research in Germany – a systematic approach" (available only in German). p. 30.
1. Hartmut Stützel, Nicolas Brüggemann, Andreas Fangmeier, Frank Ordon, Eva Schlecht, Ralf Seppelt, Volkmar Wolters (2014). Field trial infrastructures – current situation and future prospects (available only in German). Position paper by the DFG Senate Commission on Agroecosystem Research. Journal für Kulturpflanzen, 66 (7). pp. 237–240, 2014, ISSN 1867-0911, DOI: 10.5073/JFK.2014.07.02 Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart.
2. Volkmar Wolters, Johannes Isselstein, Hartmut Stützel, Frank Ordon, Christina von Haaren, Eva Schlecht, Justus Wesseler, Regina Birner, Margit von Lützow, Nicolas Brüggemann, Bernd Diekkrüger, Andreas Fangmeier, Heinz Flessa, Henning Kage, Martin Kaupenjohann, Ingrid Kögel-Knabner, Reinhard Mosandl, Ralf Seppelt (2014). Sustainable and resource-efficient intensification of crop production: perspectives of agroecosystem research. Policy paper by the DFG Senate Commission on Agroecosystem Research. Journal für Kulturpflanzen, 66 (7). pp. 225–236, 2014, ISSN 1867-0911, DOI: 10.5073/JFK.2014.07.01 Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart.
3. Harmut Stützel, Nicolas Brüggemann, Dirk Inzé (2016). The future of field trials in Europe: establishing a network beyond boundaries Trends in Plant Science 21, 92–95.
9 – 12 April 2018
Workshop in phase I of second DFG Junior Researcher Academy “Agroecosystem Research and Plant Production” in Bonn
7 July 2017
Roundtable discussion “Societal demands on livestock production: Suitable research approaches and required infrastructure”
10 February 2017
Joint roundtable discussion with Science Europe “The future of field trials in Europe: Establishing a network beyond boundaries”
20 – 21 December 2016
Workshops in phase III of Junior Researcher Academy “Agroecosystem Research: Soil Resources and Plant Production” in Bonn
10 November 2016
Roundtable discussion of “Genotype x Environment x Management Interaction in Wheat Cultivation” working group in Bonn on identification of research requirements
12 April 2016
Colloquium of applicants for DFG Junior Researcher Academy “Agroecosystem Research: Soil Resources and Plant Production” (phase II) in Bonn
28 – 29 January 2016
|Presentation of the work of the joint working group “Sustainable intensification in agriculture” with DKN I Future Earth at 2nd German Future Earth Summit in Berlin
19 – 20 November 2015
Joint roundtable discussion "Sustainable intensification of agricultural production: The need for socio-ecological solutions at the regional level" by the Working Group "Sustainable intensification in agriculture" of the Senate Commission with DKN Future Earth.
10 November 2015
Roundtable discussion: "Genetic and physiological basics of genotype x environment x management interactions in wheat cultivation within a landscape context" in Bonn.
19 – 23 October 2015
Workshop of junior researcher academy: "Agroecosystem Research: Soil Resources and Plant Production" in Freising-Weihenstephan.
3 July 2014
Roundtable discussion on metadata analysis "Productivity development of crops" at Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University, Hannover.
The goal of the roundtable discussion was to identify issues and existing data which could form the basis for joint research projects, for example in the form of a shared proposal or (in the mid-term) a priority area. At the roundtable discussion, the subject of "Productivity development of winter wheat, maize and rape crops with reference to climate change" was identified as a suitable theme given its strong relevance to society and the existence of metadata.
23 – 25 October 2013
Think Tank Roundtable Discussion with the Working Group "Sustainable intensification of plant production systems" to discuss the draft of the policy paper "Sustainable and resource-efficient intensification of crop production: perspectives of agroecosystem research" with early career researchers in Göttingen.
August 2013
Adoption of the policy paper "Sustainable and resource-efficient intensification of crop production: perspectives of agroecosystem research” by members of the Senate Commission.
19 December 2012
Meeting of the Working Group "Sustainable intensification of plant production systems" in Göttingen
Draft of a policy paper " Sustainable and resource-efficient intensification of crop production: perspectives of agroecosystem research". The following core research areas and the desirable outcomes were identified:
- networking of molecular biological plant research with plant breeding and plant cultivation
- analysis of cultivation systems within a landscape context.
Starting from the scientific basics and actual issues, conceptual ideas and options for utilisation will be highlighted as well as opportunities and tools for systematic decision-making processes and channels (such as where do we need innovative methods for new achievements, how do we overcome the variability of scales in the field of processes and in formulating hypotheses: how can complex systems be brought together?).
21 September 2012
Joint Roundtable Discussion with the Working Groups "Sustainable intensification of plant production systems" and "Research Infrastructures".
The Roundtable Discussion illustrated in particular the necessity to consolidate the exchange of knowledge and to establish a common level of language between plant breeding/plant genetics, plant cultivation, biodiversity/ecology and socio economics, also beyond scale boundaries.
July – August 2012
Survey by the "Research Infrastructures" Working Group among the operators of field trial stations at universities and non-university research organisations (the Helmholtz Association, the Leibniz Association, the Thünen Institute (Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries), the Julius Kühn Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, state research).
The commission was set up on 1 January 2012 as a successor to the Senate Commission on Substances and Resources in Agriculture (SKLW).