Senate Commission on Substances and Resources in Agriculture
With the expiry of its mandate term in December 2011, the Commission completed its work. The Senate Commission on Substances and Resources in Agriculture (SKLW) will be succeeded by the DFG’s newly established Senatskommission für Agrarökosystemforschung (Senate Commission on Agroecosystem Research).
The SKLW’s main task was the provision of qualified advice to DFG committees, parliaments, authorities and the public on matters relating to agricultural science. In order to perform this task, the Commission evaluated and discussed the current state of knowledge, as well as assessing the need for action and research into natural scientific, economic and ecological processes. The SKLW’s aim was the qualitative and quantitative optimisation of plant and livestock production processes and socio-economic systems, and its remit extended from system-oriented approaches to studying process chains and material flows right through to research into sustainable agricultural landscapes.
The Commission's Scientific Office
- Dr. Margit v. Lützow
Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde
Technische Universität München
D-85350 Freising-Weihenstephan
phone: 08161 71 3679 or 08444 918 456
fax: 08161 71 4466
e-mail: luetzow@wzw.tum.d(externer Link)