Associate Professor Dr. Christian Maier - Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Prizewinner 2022
Business Informatics, University of Bamberg
PD Dr. Christian Maier
© Josef Schmid/Christian Regal
Christian Maier conducts research into the practices of digital transformation and their impact on users and companies. Since completing his doctorate, he has devoted himself in particular to the phenomenon of technostress. This occurs when users feel overwhelmed by new technical devices or systems. Maier looks into why and for how long digital technologies are used in private and organisational contexts and why such usage is ended. In doing so, he uses various quantitative and qualitative research methods, also contributing to their further development. When Maier originally started looking into this subject there was little available in terms of academic discussion. Maier has played a significant role in boosting this field of research since then: his work on technostress has also gained additional importance in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, when many activities have been shifted to the digital sphere.