Dr.-Ing. Giulio Malavolta - Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Prizewinner 2023
Cryptography, Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy, Bochum
Dr.-Ing. Giulio Malavolta
© Giulio Malavolta
Security and privacy are fundamental civil rights in democratic societies, so they are key requirements of modern IT systems, too. Giulio Malavolta’s work has already had a lasting impact on the field of cryptography, which deals with the scientific foundations of information security. He devotes himself to three highly topical, technically demanding and dynamic areas: firstly, he researches into privacy-preserving techniques that are also used in blockchains and cryptocurrencies; secondly, he develops encryption methods that make it possible to calculate functions on encrypted data with a high level of efficiency. Finally, Malavolta is working on digital signatures that can also withstand attacks with quantum computers. In all these areas, he makes theoretically sound contributions while at the same time building bridges to practical applications.