Information for Researchers, No. 34 | June 19, 2012

DFG and Goethe-Zentrum Inaugurate New Office Premises in Hyderabad

German Research Foundation (DFG) pays tribute to the increasing project collaboration between India and Germany

On Saturday, 9 June 2012, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) along with the Goethe-Zentrum Hyderabad (GZ) have formally inaugurated their new premises in Hyderabad (State of Andhra Pradesh), India. The opening took place in the presence of high-level guests including Chandana Khan, Special Chief Secretary to the Government of Andhra Pradesh, Cord Meier-Klodt, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany. The opening of the new premises reflects the continuing efforts of the DFG to join hands with other German organisations abroad for the intensification of bilateral scientific collaboration with India.

In the inaugural function, Torsten Fischer, Director of the DFG India Office, New Delhi, conveyed the best wishes of the DFG President Professor Matthias Kleiner. He underlined the important future role of the DFG’s Hyderabad representation within the framework of the DFG’s activities in India.

The DFG acknowledges the importance of the vast academic and scientific communities in South India and wishes to further promote and strengthen Indo-German research collaboration. The two lighthouse projects funded by the DFG in the Indo-German context are based at the University of Hyderabad. In the framework of two “International Research Training Groups” the DFG funds a group in the area of “Molecular and Cellular Glyco-Sciences” as well as in “Functional Molecular Infection Epidemiology”. One project has been established in collaboration with the University of Muenster; the other is a collaboration of the University of Hyderabad with the Free University of Berlin.

Further Information

More information on the DFG India offices, the inauguration, funding activities and contact data can be found at

Contact at the new DFG Representation Hyderabad: