Theme-Based Delegation Trip to Scotland for UAS Representatives
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) initiative “Networking for Research – Universities of Applied Sciences and Researchers Worldwide (UDIF-HAW)” is organising a delegation trip to Scotland (UK) in September 2024 with a focus on “Health and Environment”. Building on the virtual Matchmaking event on 24 April 2024, this trip will provide an opportunity to explore the following themes: Built Environment and Societal Issues, Environment and Ecosystems, Emerging Technologies, Human Health and Therapeutics.
Anyone who did not attend the matchmaking event can still express interest in participating in the trip. Researchers, management-level representatives of German universities of applied sciences and other multipliers are invited to submit informal expressions of interest to the DFG by 1 June 2024, specifying a thematic reference. Participation is subject to vacancies being available. Interested parties will subsequently receive a link enabling binding registration and upload of a curriculum vitae, which will be made available to all participants on the German and Scottish side.
The trip will include visits to university and research sites relevant to the subject areas. See under “Further information” for a brief programme outline. You will receive a detailed itinerary once your expression of interest has been confirmed. A complete list of participants will be sent out prior to the trip.
Organisational matters
Outward and homeward travel is to be organised by participants themselves; the DFG is not able to cover travel or visa costs.
The costs of accommodation, transport and meals during the trip as part of the programme will be borne by the DFG.
Further information
To the Expression of interest:
For a brief programme outline, see
Report on the matchmaking event held in April 2024:
Contact at DFG Head Office:
- Julia Ilina
International Affairs
phone +49 (228) 885-3193
udif-haw@dfg.d(externer Link)