Proposal Process and Deadlines / Statutory Bodies
The Review and Decision-making Process
The process at a glance
For each proposal, opinions are sought from at least two reviewers who carry out an assessment independently of one another. A recommendation is made by Head Office on the basis of their reviews. All documents are then submitted to the Committee on Scientific Library Services and Information Systems for final appraisal. The committee members are responsible for the quality of the review process and the preparation for the funding decision by the Joint Committee.
Step 1: Receipt of proposal
Head Office checks that the proposal meets the formal requirements and if necessary advises the applicant should any additional information be required. Head Office then initiates the review process.
Step 2: Review process
The review process may take place in writing and/or verbally.
Written process
The review is normally carried out by reviewers with expertise in the relevant discipline and in information systems.
Verbal process
The review is normally carried out by review panels on which members of the Committee on Scientific Library Services and Information Systems are represented. In exceptional cases the Committee on Scientific Library Services and Information Systems may submit an opinion on a proposal as an additional review panel.
For information on the criteria used to review a proposal, please refer to Guidelines 10.20 (Guidelines for the Written Review).
Step 3: Decision
The DFG’s Joint Committee decides whether to approve a proposal on the basis of the reviewers’ votes and the final recommendation of the Committee on Scientific Library Services and Information Systems. As soon as a decision has been made, the applicant is notified in writing of the outcome of the process. Once a proposal is received, it normally takes about six months for a decision to be made and the applicant to be notified.
For some programmes, proposals can be submitted at any time; for other programmes there are specified deadlines. For the relevant requirements, please refer to the individual programme guidelines and the texts of announcements.
- DFG Statutory Bodies (Overview(interner Link)
- Responsible Decision-making Body at the DFG: Joint Committe(interner Link)
- Committee on Scientific Library Services and Information System(interner Link)