Forms and Guidelines
Scientific Instrumentation and Information Technology
All guidelines, templates and further forms for this programme can be found in the below list.
- Major Research Instrumentatio(externer Link)
- State Major Instrumentation Programm(externer Link)
- New Instrumentation for Researc(externer Link)
- Core Facilitie(externer Link)
- Major Instrumentation Initiativ(externer Link)
- RIsources: The Research Infrastructure Porta(externer Link)
- Other Form(externer Link)
Major Research Instrumentation
Proposal Submission
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
21.1 | DE | Merkblatt für Anträge auf Forschungsgroßgeräte nach Art. 91b GG mit Leitfaden für die Antragstellung [09/24] | |
EN | Guidelines for Proposals under the Programme Major Research Instrumentation as per Art. 91b GG with Proposal Preparation Instructions [09/24] | ||
21.10 | DE | Antrag im Programm Forschungsgroßgeräte nach Art. 91b GG [09/24] | PDF, RTF |
EN | Proposal under the Major Research Instrumentation Funding Programme as per Art. 91b Basic Law [09/24] | PDF, RTF |
Review Process
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
10.202 | DE | Hinweise für die Begutachtung von Anträgen im Programm "Forschungsgroßgeräte" nach Art. 91b GG [03/23] | |
EN | Guidelines for Reviewing Proposals under the Major Research Instrumentation Programme as per Art. 91b GG (Basic Law) [03/23] |
Use of Funds
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
2.18 | DE | Besondere Verwendungsrichtlinien für Forschungsgroßgeräte nach Art. 91b Abs. 1 S.1 GG i. V. m. AV-FGH – Bedingungen für Förderverträge mit der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V. (DFG) über die Beschaffung von Forschungsgroßgeräte | |
41.35 | DE | Verwendungsnachweis Forschungsgroßgeräte [08/23] | PDF, RTF |
Utilisation Reports
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
21.12 | DE | Muster für den Nutzungsbericht von Forschungsgroßgeräten - Forschungsgroßgeräte nach Art. 91b GG - [04/23] | PDF, RTF |
EN | Template for the Major Research Instrumentation Utilisation Report - Major Research Instrumentation as per Art. 91b GG - [04/23] | PDF, RTF |
State Major Instrumentation Programme
Proposal Submission
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
21.2 | DE | Merkblatt für Anträge auf Großgeräte der Länder mit Leitfaden für die Antragstellung [09/24] | |
EN | Guidelines for Proposals under the State Major Instrumentation Programme with Proposal Preparation Instructions [09/24] | ||
21.20a | DE | Antrag im Programm Großgeräte der Länder [09/24] | RTF |
EN | Proposal under the State Major Instrumentation Programme [09/24] | RTF | |
21.20b | DE | Antrag im Programm Großgeräte der Länder [09/24] | RTF |
EN | Proposal under the State Major Instrumentation Programme [09/24] | RTF |
New Instrumentation for Research
All guidelines, templates and further forms for this programme can be found in the below list.
For the “New Instrumentation for Research” program, there is a specific information sheet on the program as a whole and specific instructions for the assessment based on the program objective; otherwise, the forms and instructions on the pages of "Individual Research Grant(interner Link)" apply.
Proposal Submission
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
21.6 | DE | Merkblatt Neue Geräte für die Forschung [08/23] | |
EN | Guidelines New Instrumentation for Research [08/23] |
Request for Funds
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
21.04 | DE | Formular für Gerätebeschaffung durch die DFG [03/24] | RTF |
Core Facilities
All guidelines, templates and further forms for this programme can be found in the below list.
The information sheet for the “Core Facilities” program describes the program objective and the specific assessment criteria. For the application and all subsequent steps, the forms and instructions on the pages relating to in-kind aid apply as described in the information sheet "Individual Research Grant(interner Link)"
Proposal Submission
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
21.5 | DE | Merkblatt Gerätezentren - Core Facilities [09/24] | |
EN | Guidelines Core Facilities [09/24] |
Request for Funds
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
21.04 | DE | Formular für Gerätebeschaffung durch die DFG [03/24] | RTF |
Major Instrumentation Initiative
Proposal Submission
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
21.7 | DE | Merkblatt Großgeräteinitiative mit Leitfaden für die Antragstellung [09/24] | |
EN | Guidelines Major Instrumentation Initiative with Proposal Preparation Instructions [09/24] | ||
21.71 | DE | Konzept zur Ausschreibung einer Großgeräteinitiative [09/24] | RTF |
EN | Concept to issue a Call for a Major Instrumentation Initiative [09/24] | RTF | |
53.101 elan | EN | Project Description - Major Instrumentation Initiative call [09/24] | RTF |
Request for Funds
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
21.04 | DE | Formular für Gerätebeschaffung durch die DFG [03/24] | RTF |
RIsources: The Research Infrastructure Portal
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
21.30 | DE | Antrag auf Registrierung in der DFG-Datenbank für Forschungsinfrastrukturen [02/21] |
Other Forms
No. | Language | Title [version] | Download |
22.30 | EN | Antrag auf Reparatur / Ersatz / Ergänzung eines DFG-finanzierten Gerät |