International Scientific Events
The DFG facilitates the organisation of international academic events in Germany and annual conferences held by German scholarly societies.
- International conferences:
Organisation of academic events of an international nature in Germany. - Annual conferences:
Presentations by speakers who are acknowledged experts in the field at annual conferences held by German scholarly societies or subject groupings at the national level.
Eligibility Requirements
- International conferences:
Researchers who hold a doctorate and are actively involved in the German academic system. - Annual conferences:
Authorised representatives of the scholarly society.
Type and Extent of Funding
- International conferences:
Subsidy according to the number of participating postdoctoral researchers. - Annual conferences:
Subsidies towards travel expenses (cost of travel and accommodation) or towards the cost of digital implementation to enable foreign speakers to present at the annual conference on site or virtually. Annual conferences may only receive funding once every two years.
Forms and Guidelines
No later than six months before the start of the event.
For additional information please contact:
- Panagiota Dimareli, Tel: 0228/885-2395, panagiota.dimareli@dfg.d(externer Link)
- Martina Kraemer, Tel: 0228/885-2718, martina.kraemer@dfg.d(externer Link)