The decision-making process under coordinated programmes

The DFG’s coordinated programmes include:

• Research Training Groups (RTG)(interner Link)
• Research Units (RU)(interner Link)
• Priority Programmes (SPP)(interner Link)
• Collaborative Research Centres (CRC)(interner Link)

Under these programmes, a network of projects or persons is jointly funded. There always is a person who has a coordinating role. Proposals are submitted by an institution/university (RTG, CRC) or by individual researchers (RU, SPP). The details of proposal submission and the assignment of responsibilities at the DFG Head Office differ according to the various programme types.

Proposal submission under the coordinated programmes is broken down into an initiative phase and a proposal phase. Initiatives outline the planned network and compete with each other within a programme. Only the most promising initiatives are invited to submit proposals.

In contrast to a written review of proposals for individual grants(interner Link), proposals under coordinated programmes are reviewed orally by a group of reviewers. As a matter of principle, members of the review boards(interner Link) that are responsible for the subject are involved in such a review panel, too. In addition, in many programmes, members of the Senate or the respective senate committee(interner Link) participate in the review meeting Eventually, the Joint Committee or the respective Grants Committee(interner Link) decides whether and to what extent a proposal is to receive funding.

For both the initiatives and the proposals, the selection is made based on a multi-stage process. Details on the individual coordinated programmes can be found under the programme pages(interner Link).