What are the requirements for final reports on proposals submitted under general research funding programmes?

DFG grant recipients are required to account for the use of funds as well as reporting on the work done in the project and the results achieved. At the end of the funding period, they submit a final proof of the use of funds and a final report to the Head Office. Details of these requirements are set out in the Funding Guidelines. The final report is to be submitted via the  Elan-Portal(externer Link). The award letter informs you of the date by which the report must be received. The deadline is normally three months after the end of the project.

For a number of funding programmes, templates are available that specify the requirements of the final report in terms of form and content as applicable to the various individual programmes. Please select the appropriate template for the programme under which your proposal was funded. If there is no template for your programme, select the "Guidelines for a Final Report" (at the very bottom) as a template.

Available templates:

Individual Research Grants:

Emmy Noether Programme:

Walter Benjamin Programme:

Heisenberg Programme:

Centres for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences:

Priority Programmes:

Guidelines for a Final Report: