Heisenberg Programme

If you already meet all the requirements for appointment to a permanent professorship, you can apply to the Heisenberg Programme. While you prepare for a future senior academic role, the DFG provides funding to enable you to carry on with high-quality research at the institution of your choice and continue building your academic reputation.

The Heisenberg Programme is directed primarily at those researchers who have qualified for professorship via the Emmy Noether Programme, leadership of a junior research group, DFG project staff positions, private-sector research or mid-level faculty positions. The target group also includes junior professors who have received positive evaluations, those who have achieved their habilitation or an equivalent qualification, and German researchers returning from abroad, as well as appropriately qualified foreign researchers (who have not yet achieved a full professorship) looking to pursue careers in Germany.

Four types of funding are available within the Heisenberg Programme:

  • Heisenberg professorship
  • Heisenberg position
  • Heisenberg temporary substitute position for clinicians
  • Heisenberg fellowship

Once you have been accepted to the Heisenberg Programme, you can select between the four funding types or combine them during the five-year funding period.


To enable outstanding researchers who meet all the requirements for appointment to a long-term professorship to prepare for a senior academic role while continuing their research work.

Eligibility Requirements

Researchers in all disciplines who have qualified for a professorship by completing the habilitation or an equivalent qualification and who have a track record of outstanding research work.

Tenure-track professors in Germany and individuals holding a permanent position in Germany comparable with W2/W3 salary grades are not eligible to apply.

Researchers from abroad who have already achieved a full professorship are not eligible to apply.

Type and Extent of Funding

Four different types of funding are available within the Heisenberg Programme: Heisenberg professorship, Heisenberg position, Heisenberg temporary substitute position for clinicians and Heisenberg fellowship.

Once you have been accepted to the Heisenberg Programme, you can select from the funding types and/or combine them during the five-year funding period.

For projects based in Germany, you can also apply for a research grant.

Funding Duration

Up to 5 years

Forms and Guidelines

Proposals may be submitted at any time.

Additional information on scientific matters may be obtained by contacting the relevant programme division under

Procedural questions can be directed to

During Your Fellowship (Contact Persons at the Fellowship Office)

In case of questions or for further information on financial management, please contact the Fellowship Office through the following channels: