Scientific Library Services and Information Systems (LIS)

As part of the Scientific Library Services and Information Systems programme the DFG funds projects at libraries, archives and other scientific service and information centres in Germany.

The aim is to set up nationwide efficient research information systems.

Here, you will find a list of topics(interner Link) that are currently being discussed in the DFG’s Scientific Library Services and Information Systems (LIS) division, e.g. at meetings of the Committee on Scientific Library Services and Information Systems (AWBI).

Funding objectives in the Scientific Library Services and Information Systems (LIS) division 

Establishment and advancement of an innovative information infrastructure for research from a nationwide perspective 


Members of non-profit research information infrastructure facilities in Germany such as libraries, archives, museums, research collections, research data centres or computing and information centres. Researchers in Germany or those working at a German research institution abroad who have completed their academic training (generally by obtaining a doctorate) are also eligible to apply.

Proposal Requirements

Nationwide provision and long-term availability of project results, compliance with established or developing (international) standards and open access to information (open access/open source)

Type and Extent of Funding

Funding for staff, funds for scientific instrumentation, travel, workshops, other

Funding Duration

Project-specific.  Initial funding can be approved for up to three years. The total funding period should not exceed six years.

Time to Decision

Approx. 6 to 9 months

Forms and Guidelines

Overview of forms and guidelines(interner Link)

The funding offered by the Scientific Library Services and Information Systems division is organised according to programmes and calls for proposals. The funding programmes are designed on a long-term basis; proposals may be subject to specific deadlines or not, depending on the programme. Please refer to the individual programme guidelines for details. 

By contrast, calls for proposals are subject to a time limit, and proposals must always be submitted by specific deadlines.

Acquisition and Supply

Digitisation and Indexing

Publishing and Licensing

Research Data and eResearch

Funding of Negotiation Processes

Funding of bridge proposals

Further Information

New proposal: Proposals may be subject to specific deadlines and submission dates or not, depending on the programme.

Renewal proposal: Six months before the end of the funding period

Proposal submission procedures and deadlines / Statutory bodies(interner Link)

E-Mail/Telephone Link)
Tel. +49 (0)228 / 885-2699
Fax. +49 (0)228 / 885-2272

Contact details for members of the LIS Divisions (in German only)(Download)

Service hours:

  • Monday - Thursday: 09:00 h - 16:00 h
  • Friday: 09:00 h - 14:00 h