Reports - Topics - News | 2018
DFG Explores Research Landscape in Kazakhstan

DFG delegation in conversation with the Minister for Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana
© Ministry for Education and Science, Kazakhstan
(03.12.18) In October, the DFG office in Moscow took a trip to Almaty and Astana in Kazakhstan to gather information with a view to systematically establishing institutional relations with the Kazakh research landscape and local German intermediary organisations.
DFG Steps Up Cooperation with Lomonosov Moscow State University
(31.10.18) In mid-October, during the All Russian Science Festival, DFG President Professor Dr. Peter Strohschneider travelled to Moscow to expand the DFG’s cooperation with Russia’s most prominent higher education institution, Lomonosov University. The DFG delegation also visited Russian partner organisations and other universities and research institutions in Moscow.
German and Russian Early Career Researchers Discuss “Chemical Energy Storage and Conversion” in Kazan

Participants in Week of the Young Researcher at KNRTU-KAI Kazan
(26.09.18) A growing world population and rising standard of living are continuously increasing the demand for energy in our modern world. Meanwhile, fossil fuels and natural resources are becoming increasingly scarce. What kind of world do we need in the future to convert and utilise energy efficiently? New approaches to chemical energy storage and conversion are key to the development of innovative concepts for low-pollution energy use.
DFG Summer Reception: 15 Years of Representation in Russia

2018 summer reception in Moscow
(17.07.18) On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the DFG Office in Moscow, the DFG hosted its annual summer reception in Moscow at the start of June. In the presence of around 200 guests from Moscow and regions of Russia as well as from Germany, Secretary General of the DFG Prof. Dorothee Dzwonnek thanked the Russian and German partners for the fruitful collaboration.
DFG Participates in OECD-HSE Workshop “Transnational Research and Innovation Partnerships” in Moscow

DFG Russia presents funding programmes at HSE
(23.05.18) On 18 and 19 May 2018, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Higher School of Economics (HSE, a National Research University) hosted a discussion on “Transnational Research and Innovation Partnerships.
DFG Presents Leibniz Lecture on Quantum Metrology at St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Vice-Rector Dmitry Arseniev (right) introduces the Leibniz Lecture by Professor Ertmer at SPbPU
(23.04.18) During the 15th German Week in St. Petersburg in April, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), in partnership with St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU), organised a lecture by Leibniz Prize recipient, DFG Vice-President and respected experimental physicist, Professor Wolfgang Ertmer. Professor Ertmer’s topic of ‘Quantum Metrology at the Quantum Frontiers’ attracted an interested specialist audience, including a large number of students.
DFG Leibniz Lecture on “Networked Cybernetics” at GRIAT in Kazan
(05.03.18) At the end of February, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), together with the German Russian Institute of Advanced Technologies (GRIAT), hosted a lecture by Leibniz Prize winner and Vice-President of the DFG, Professor Frank Allgöwer, at the Kazan National Research Technical University (KNRTU-KAI). In his lecture, entitled “Networked Cybernetics: From the Classical Feedback Loop to the New Cybernetics of the 21st Century,” Professor Allgöwer discussed the current technical challenges for intelligent, digitally networked systems with an audience of interested experts from academia, research and industry.
Conference on ‘Cultural Transfer 1900: Rilke and Russia’ at the Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU)

Exhibit from the ‘Rilke and Russia’ exhibition
© Dmitrij Tschigantschikov (Literaturmuseum)
(15.02.18) At the beginning of February, the Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU) in Moscow played host to an international conference on the topic of ‘Cultural Transfer 1900: Rilke and Russia’. The conference was organised by the Russian State Literary Museum in Moscow, the DFG International Research Training Group at RGGU Moscow (IRTG 1956) and the Institute of Russian-German Literary and Cultural Relations (IRDLK), also based at RGGU Moscow, in partnership with the German Embassy in Moscow, the Swiss Embassy in Moscow and the Tsvetaeva Centre for Russian Culture at the University of Freiburg (Zwetajewa-Zentrum).