Matchmaking event on water nexus research

(06.01.22) The DFG-initiative Supporting the internationalisation of research at universities of applied sciences (UDIF-HAW) invites to the matchmaking fair for German universities of applied sciences and scientists from Jordan on 15 February 2022 from 9.00 am to 1.30 pm (CET).
Memorandum of Understanding

Prof. Katja Becker signing the MoU
© DFG / Otto
(03.02.22) For the first time, the DFG and CAMES sign an MoU to strengthen their cooperation and to stimulate research collaborations between Germany and the 19 CAMES member states.
Virtual African-German Solar Energy Status Workshop: Funded research teams present themselves

(08.02.22) On 28 January 2022, the grantees of 13 approved German-African cooperation projects presented the current status of their cooperation and possible plans for further cooperation projects in a virtual workshop.
Networking research at universities of applied sciences with research in Jordan

Petra, Jordan
(08.03.22) The kick-off event Water Nexus Research – challenges and strategies for a sustainable future marked the start of a series of theme-based matchmaking events with different countries and regions for UDIF-HAW, the DFG initiative aimed at reaching out to universities of applied sciences (UAS) whose application-oriented research is highly regarded in an international context.
DFG-EURAXESS EVENT on Opportunities for Collaborative Research

Hosted by EURAXESS (Dr. Susanne Rentzow-Vasu and Dr. Jenny Lind Elmaco), DFG representatives (Dr. Franziska Langer and Raoul Wagner) presented funding opportunities for joint international research projects
(10.03.22) To share information about ways to approach potential collaboration partners and find the right funding, the DFG was hosted by EURAXESS ASEAN for an online Info-Session on March 3rd. The event was aimed at research administrators, seasoned principal investigators and experienced researchers in the ASEAN region seeking to explore funding opportunities for collaborative research with German partners.
German-Korean Funding Programmes

© Pixabay
(16.03.22) The DFG and the NRF have published a call for proposals for joint German-Korean workshops and research visits. Furthermore, a webinar has been conducted to share information on bilaterally funded International Research Training Groups (IRTGs).
Webinar Japan, Singapore

Webinar „Sustainable use of green hydrogen for mobility and transportation system“
© SGInnovate
(02.05.22) SGInnovate (Singapore) is organising the webinar "Sustainable use of green hydrogen for mobility and transportation system" on 12 May 2022 with the support of the DFG, the German Embassy in Singapore and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). Scientists from the three participating countries will present their research in the field of green hydrogen during the event. There will also be an opportunity for questions during a Q&A.
German-Japanese Funding Programme for Joint Workshops and Research Visits

© Pixabay
(09.06.22) The DFG and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) jointly fund German-Japanese workshops and research visits. This initiative aims to bring together relevant and competitive researchers from Germany and Japan to establish collaborative scientific relationships and prepare joint projects. Proposals will be accepted until 6th September.
Copernicus Award 2022 and 2020: two pairs of winners honoured at festive ceremony in Warsaw

Welcoming words by FNP President Żylicz at Łazienki Palace in Warsaw
© Paweł Kula
(28.06.22) DFG President Katja Becker and FNP President Maciej Żylicz presented the 2022 Copernicus Award on 9 June 2022. The festive ceremony also included the in-person presentation of the 2020 awards since the last event had to be cancelled due to the pandemic. mor(interner Link)
African-German Scientific Exchange: Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture

© DFG / Jennifer Gronau
(07.07.22) While scientific exchange and networking between researchers from sub-Saharan Africa and Germany primarily took place in the past in the context of physical meetings at conferences and workshops, the DFG and its partner organisations in the region had to find ways to adapt joint networking activities to the new realities of international cooperation since the beginning of the pandemic.
Uzbek Ambassador visits the DFG

DFG President Prof. Katja Becker and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan Nabijon Kasimov
© DFG / Elisa Braeckevelt
(07.07.22) On 14 June, DFG President Prof. Dr. Katja Becker received the Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nabijon Kasimov, at the DFG Head Office in Bonn, accompanied by the country’s attachés for science and industry. The aim of the meeting was to resume talks on expanding scientific cooperation between the DFG and Uzbekistan, which were interrupted for a while due to the pandemic.
Virtual German-Senegalese dialogue event

Prof. Katja Becker with Prof. Soukèye Dia Tine and Prof. Amadou Gallo Diop from MESRI in Dakar/Senegal
(13.07.22) DFG and MESRI hosted a virtual German-Senegalese dialogue event on 09 June 2022. Thereby, they encouraged an exchange about the respective research priorities and funding opportunities of the two countries.
Extension of the DFG’s cooperation agreement with South Tyrol

Signing of the cooperation agreement / Arno Kompatscher (Governor of South Tyrol), Britta Siegmund (Vice President DFG)
(26.08.22) At the beginning of August, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and the regional government of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano – South Tyrol extended their joint funding agreement. DFG Vice President Professor Dr. Britta Siegmund and South Tyrol’s Governor Arno Kompatscher signed the cooperation agreement at an event promoting the German-speaking research area at the Landhaus in Bolzano, which was also attended by high-ranking representatives of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), as well as numerous researchers from Italy, Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
UAS delegation trip to Jordan

Al Balqa Applied University, Jordanien
© Matouq
(25.10.22) At the end of September 2022, just under 20 representatives of German Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) visited a number of universities and research institutions in Jordan. The 5-day trip was part of the DFG initiative that brings researchers from German UAS together with international researchers through various formats. It was prepared back in February at a virtual matchmaking event (DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – Networking research at universities of applied sciences with research in Jordan) on the topic of “Water Nexus Research – Challenges and Strategies for a Sustainable Future”.
UAS networking event with Canadian and US partners

Canadian Rocky Mountains
© Sophie Riding
(07.11.22) On 18 October 2022, the virtual event Networking for Research – German Universities of Applied Sciences & Researchers in Canada/USA was held as a further item in the series of theme-based matchmaking events with universities of applied sciences (UAS).
Results of Call by DFG and JSPS

© Pixabay
(11.11.22) The DFG and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) are funding joint Japanese-German research projects in the field of Materials Science and Engineering for Energy Storage, Conversion, and Transport. After the first joint call in 2018 in the field of Geosciences DFG and JSPS agreed to publish a new call in March 2022 to further support the Japanese-German research. Based on the recommendation of a team of Japanese and German reviewers 8 projects have been selected for funding.
Third Polish-German Science Meeting underlines the importance of cooperation in times of crisis
(16.11.22) On 27 and 28 October, some 50 representatives of 17 German and Polish academic institutions and the embassies of both countries met in Berlin to continue the institutional discussion series on crisis management strategies.