Computer Science
Review Board
4.43 Computer Science
Professor Dr. Nicole Megow
Universität Bremen
Arbeitsgruppe Kombinatorische Optimierung und Logistik
Deputy Spokesperson
Professor Dr. Barbara Hammer
Universität Bielefeld
CITEC Center of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology
AG Maschinelles Lernen
Subject area | Members |
4.43-01 Theoretical Computer Science | Professor Dr. Javier Esparza
Professor Dr. Martin Grohe
Professorin Dr. Nicole Megow
Professorin Dr. Nicole Schweikardt |
4.43-02 Software Engineering and Programming Languages | Professor Dr. Eric Bodden
Professor Dr. Lars Grunske
Professorin Dr.-Ing. Ina Schaefer |
4.43-03 Security and Dependability, Operating-, Communication- and Distributed Systems | Professorin Anja Feldmann Ph.D.
Professor Dr. Stefan Katzenbeisser
Professor Dr.-Ing. Jörg Nolte
Professor Dr.-Ing. Klaus Wehrle |
4.43-04 Methods in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | Professorin Dr. Barbara Hammer
Professor Dr. Eyke Hüllermeier |
4.43-05 Image and Language Processing, Computer Graphics and Visualisation, Human Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous and Wearable Computing | Professor Dr. Daniel Cremers
Professor Dr. Oliver Deussen
Professor Dr. Leif Kobbelt
Professor Dr. Enrico Rukzio |
4.43-06 Data Management, Data-Intensive Systems, Computer Science Methods in Business Informatics | Professor Dr. Jörg Becker
Professorin Dr. Daniela Nicklas
Professor Dr. Ali Sunyaev |
4.43-07 Computer Architecture, Embedded and Massively Parallel Systems | Professorin Dr.-Ing. Diana Goehringer
Professor Dr. Christian Plessl
Professor Dr.-Ing. Norbert Wehn |