Here we present the DFG’s approach to its work relating to the issue of equal opportunities and diversity.
The objectives are to achieve gender equality – one of the DFG’s key priorities – and also promote other dimensions of diversity based on the notion of intersectionality, i.e. taking the various dimensions of diversity into account jointly. Diversity in the research system, i.e. the inclusion of the full range of potential, is an important aspect when it comes to promoting quality of research. For this reason, DFG actively cultivates it at the structural level. In doing so, the DFG regards the diversity of researchers and non-discriminatory participation as a resource and an opportunity in the research system, not simply as a way of making up for disadvantages at the individual level. All in all, based on this concept and the measures that follow from it, the DFG seeks to provide impetus for greater diversity and equal opportunity within the German research system.
DFG support involves the recognition of categories of diversity in research careers, concrete options and provisions to be successively introduced in DFG funding, and offers of support for research institutions. In this way, the DFG strives to bring about cultural change in the research system in the long term. This can only be achieved in mutual interaction with the research institutions in Germany and with the respective strategies that these institutions pursue themselves.
The DFG’s concept primarily seeks to set standards for itself as a research funding organisation. As a self-governing organisation of research in Germany, it also endeavours to ensure that the measures developed from the concept are fed into the research system. Under the following link, the DFG will report continuously on the introduction of new measures in connection with its equity and diversity concept and what this means for applicants in concrete terms:
In the course of 2020 and 2021, the DFG Head Office organised a total of four discussion events involving external experts, stakeholders and their interest groups relating to various diversity categories as well as members of the DFG’s statutory bodies.
The following issues were debated: which dimensions of diversity could and should the DFG address through its funding activities, to what extent are there structural obstacles in its funding system, and which gaps in funding ought to be closed, if any. The DFG’s equity and diversity concept was developed on this basis; after approval by the Executive Committee and Senate, it was adopted by the DFG Joint Committee on 28 June 2022.
The central aspect in evaluating a funding proposal is its research quality, as stipulated in the DFG statutes. Proposals whose research quality is insufficient do not receive funding.
In order to achieve excellence in research, however, diversity must be structurally incorporated both in the development of research ideas and in the staffing of a working group. This structural incorporation of diversity is a key concern addressed by the equity and diversity concept.
There are no plans to require or query the specific staffing of working groups on an individual basis with regard to characteristics other than gender. There are several reasons for this.
The DFG maintains close contact with experts, other research (funding) organisations and other stakeholders on the issue of equity and diversity. In doing so, it regularly monitors national and international developments, as well as examining measures applied in other countries to assess whether they might be suitable for Germany.
Some other countries are indeed more advanced in many areas of diversity work compared to Germany; in the USA, for example, offices for “Equity, Diversity and Inclusion” (EDI) are largely standard at universities, and many research funding organisations design their programmes in a way that is sensitive to diversity. Nonetheless, it is not usually possible to simply copy existing strategies and measures from other national systems. Differing national priorities with regard to the dimensions of diversity addressed tend to derive from such aspects as the historical development of the country in question, the legislative environment and the composition of the population.
These are just a few examples which illustrate the disparity of the various national systems and the resulting need for measures to be tailored to the research system of the specific country. This is why the DFG has taken it upon itself to develop a concept that is specifically suited to the research system in Germany.
The equality of female and male researchers has been enshrined in the statutes of the DFG since 2002 (since 2021: “Gender Equality and Diversity in Research”). Furthermore, the DFG has been committed to the dimensions of diversity mentioned in the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG) since 2006. These are: gender, sexual identity, disability, age, ethnic origin (including measures to combat racism), religion and beliefs. For details, see
In addition to these dimensions, for which further measures are now being developed, the concept will also take into account dimensions of “social background”. According to the DFG’s equity and diversity concept, these include originating from a non-academic home background (so-called “first generation academics”), a person’s financial resources or economic situation, their status after immigration or as a direct descendant of immigrants, and researchers who have fled or are seeking asylum.
The DFG’s equity and diversity concept provides for the successive development and implementation of measures over a period of approximately five years. The following five fields of action are to be addressed as a matter of priority:
Over a period of several years, the Equal Opportunities Team at the DFG Head Office will develop, implement and publicise numerous measures in an ongoing process of consultation and participation with researchers, persons concerned and research institutions. Please feel free to send us any suggestions or recommendations in this regard or draw attention to aspects relating to equity and diversity in the DFG’s funding programmes.
Contact: chancengleichheit@dfg.d
The DFG will report on new measures on an ongoing basis under the Here you will also find details of contacts and online information events offered by the DFG’s Equal Opportunities Team.
In addition, the newsletter DFG-aktuell regularly provides information on a wide range of DFG topics, including equity and diversity measures as relevant.
Here you will find background information and further explanations regarding the DFG’s work in the area of equal opportunity and diversity.
Here you will find the right contact at the DFG Head Office for various matters.