Advice and Mediation in the Event of Conflicts in the Area of Good Research Practice
By implementing the Code of Conduct "Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practic(externer Link)", research institutions undertake to deploy an ombudsperson within their institution who acts as a neutral point of contact, providing advice and mediation on issues of good research practice and in cases of suspected scientific misconduct. See her(externer Link) for an overview of local ombudspersons.
In addition to the local ombudspersons, anyone with a connection to the German research system who is seeking advice on these issues can also consult the Ombuds Committee for Research Integrity in German(externer Link) (OWID). The OWID is a nationwide ombuds committee financed by the DFG under the trusteeship of the Alliance of Science Organisations in German(externer Link). Access to the OWID is open to all researchers in Germany on any issues or conflicts in the area of good research practice and research integrity. The Ombuds Committee is supported in its deliberations and conflict mediations by an office in Berlin.
Researchers are free to contact either the Ombuds Committee or a local ombudsperson at their research institution.
Procedure Guidelines
In order to provide guidance on issues of good research practice and in cases of suspected scientific misconduct, the DFG has published Procedure Guideline(Download) that draw on the wide-ranging experience of the DFG and its Head Office in dealing with suspected cases of scientific misconduct in recent years.
Printed copies of the Procedure Guidelines can be ordered through Press and Public Relations on 0228 885-2109 or presse@dfg.d(externer Link).