Schmuckbild: Kreidestücke vor einer Tafel

Workshops for Ombudspersons and Curricula for Training Events

Workshops for ombudspersons: 
role concepts, mediation and conflict management

Once again in 2025, the DFG is offering "Workshops for ombudspersons: role concepts, mediation and conflict management". 

There will be three basic workshops and one follow-up workshop. Please sign up using the following links:

You can sign up for the follow-up workshop here: 24 to 25 November 2025 (Berlin)(externer Link).

Please consult the flyer(Download) (in German only) for details.

For questions regarding sign-up, please contact

Dr. Kirsten Hüttemann
Telephone: +49 (228) 885-2827

Training events on good research practice

When offering training on good research practice, it is possible to make use of courses and presentations that have been developed by the German Research Ombudsman with the support of the DFG. Individual modules can also be used if necessary, depending on the content and requirements of the course.

Here you can find the curriculum for courses on good research practice(externer Link) in all research disciplines.