Russian Attack on Ukraine

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The DFG is continuously monitoring the developments and maintaining close contact with researchers as well as politicians. On this website, you find an overview of all publications by the DFG, including updates on the impact the Russian attack on Ukraine has on funding activities, as well as offers of support for refugees.

Special programme for Ukraine

(13.09.22) Under the existing DFG procedure “Cooperation with Developing Countries(interner Link)”, applicants in Germany can now apply for funds to cover the living expenses of Ukrainian project leaders in a maximum amount of €1,000 per month per project leader for project implementation in Ukraine.

Website relating to assistance for Ukraine

(11.04.22) The DAAD uses its “National Academic Contact Point Ukraine” to collate extensive information and to present German academia’s numerous offers of assistance for Ukrainian students and researchers. In addition to these direct offers of assistance, it also encompasses German universities, the Alliance of German Scientific Organisations and other institutions and organisations involved in the science system.

German-Russian Proposals and Cooperation Projects

(08.03.22) As a result of the Russian attack on Ukraine, the Deutsche Forschungs-
gemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) is suspending its German-Russian cooperation activities. The DFG is aware of the consequences of these measures and at the same time deeply regrets them from the academic perspective. Below you will find information provided by the DFG on what to do in connection with German-Russian funding proposals and cooperation projects.

Refugee Researchers: DFG Expands Support

(03.03.22) Since December 2015, the DFG has provided support for academics who have fled their home country. It is now expanding its existing funding measures by opening up the Walter Benjamin Programme with the aim of enabling this target group to become integrated in the German research system at any stage of their career (after completing a doctorate).

DFG Takes Steps in Response to Russian Attack on Ukraine

(02.03.22) As a consequence of the Russian attack on Ukraine, the DFG is suspending all of its funded research projects between academics from Germany and Russia with immediate effect. What is more, funding proposals for new collaborative projects and renewal proposals for ongoing projects will not be accepted until further notice. Refugee researchers are to receive support under assistance programmes.

Statement on the Russian attack on Ukraine

(25.02.22) The Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany has issued a statement condemning the Russian attack on Ukraine and expressing solidarity with its Ukrainian partners. In the statement, the organisations say that the Russian invasion threatens fundamental values and also has consequences for academic freedom and cooperation. The DFG is the lead institution within the Alliance for this year.