Scientific Instrumentation and Information Technology

Many DFG funding programmes allow applicants to request funding for instrumentation. Major instrumentation for research at universities can also receive 50% funding from the DFG, while proposals for major instrumentation funded by federal states for research, training, teaching and/or clinical care purposes can be reviewed by the DFG.

Major instrumentation proposals are evaluated by the Committee on Scientific Instrumentation and Information Technology in line with technical and scientific criteria. For many instrumentation categories and infrastructure measures, additional information regarding planning and operation of instrumentation is available (in German only).

The DFG actively endeavours to anchor ecological sustainability considerations in its funding activities, also in the instrumentation-related programmes.

Scientific Instrumentation and Information Technology Division
Major Instrumentation Programmes

General Information

Contacts according to technology / scientific area

Central Purchasing Office
Purchasing of scientific instrumentation for DFG programmes / Instrumentation on loan – General Information

Purchasing of scientific instrumentation

Instrumentation Classification Key

Administration of instrumentation on loan and Automobiles on loan