Reports - Topics - News | 2020
DFG starts its virtual tour of top Indian Institutes
(30.10.20) The DFG Office India, in its endeavor to reach out to the best researchers in India, is organizing virtual meetings with scientists of key higher education institutions in India. In its first round of virtual meetings, DFG visited the IIT Guwahati, Central University of Sikkim and the University of Hyderabad. More such meetings are planned for the future.
DBT and DFG re-open joint funding programme for Indo-German fundamental research in the Life Sciences

(14.05.20) The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and DFG wish to inform the Indian and German scientific communities that they are resuming their joint programme in the Life Sciences. Effective immediately, teams of Indian and German researchers can seek synchronised funding for integrated Indo-German fundamental research projects in the academic disciplines covered by the DBT with a duration of up to three years. This resumption of the programme follows a short break caused by changes to the European data protection law.
DFG Spring School in “Algorithms for Big Data” takes place at IIIT Delhi and Shiv Nadar University

Group photo of the Spring School
© Ulrich Meyer, SPP 1736
(03.03.20) “Data is the new oil” – with this enigmatic motto, Prof Ranjan Bose, Director of IIIT Delhi, inaugurated the fourth international spring school of the DFG-funded priority programme “Algorithms for Big Data” (SPP 1736), held in New Delhi in February 2020.