Reports - Topics - News | 2023

DFG at German Week organized at JNU, Delhi

Participants of the German Week at JNU Delhi in 2023

Participants of the German Week at JNU Delhi in 2023

© JNU, Delhi

(31.12.23) DFG Office India presented funding opportunities for Indo-German research collaboration and research stays in Germany.

DFG-SERB Networking Event of the DFG Office India in the Geosciences

Participants of the Indo-German Week of the Young Researcher 2023

Participants of the Indo-German Week of the Young Researcher 2023


(22.12.23) The Second Indo-German Week of the Young Researcher, New Delhi / Dehradun with the subtopic of „Geodynamics and Climate Science of the Himalaya Region“ brought together early career researchers from India and Germany. 

DFG at the 38th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology, Bengaluru, India

Annual Meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology

Annual Meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology

© IISc Bangalore

(28.08.23) The DFG Office in India participated at this years annual meeting with an insight into DFGs funding instruments and an overview about the German research landscape.

DFG India Office participated in DAAD outreach activity and institutional visits in Guwahati and Aizawl

Institutional visit at the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati; (L to R) Prof. Mihir Kumar Purkait, IIT; Ms. Anuroopa Dixit, DAAD; Ms Aditi Gosavi, DAAD; Prof. Parameswar K. Iyer, IIT; Prof. K.V. Krishna, IIT; Prof. Sumana Dutta, IIT & Dr. Vaibh

Institutional visit at the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati; (L to R) Prof. Mihir Kumar Purkait, IIT; Ms. Anuroopa Dixit, DAAD; Ms Aditi Gosavi, DAAD; Prof. Parameswar K. Iyer, IIT; Prof. K.V. Krishna, IIT; Prof. Sumana Dutta, IIT & Dr. Vaibhav Agarwal, DFG Office India


(30.03.23) Joint Outreach activity of the DFG Office India with the DAAD Office India in Guwahati and Aizawl, India. Interactions with faculty at Universities and Research Institutes highlight the potential of the region.

DFG participation at the 9th India Max Planck Partner Group Meeting and institutional visits in Bengaluru, India

Max Planck Partner Group Meeting in Bengaluru, Group Photo

Max Planck Partner Group Meeting in Bengaluru, Group Photo

© Vaibhav Agarwal/DFG

(23.03.23) Participation of the DFG Office New Delhi at this year’s Max Planck Partner Group Meeting in Bengaluru India. The presentation of DFG funding options for international collaboration was received with great interest.