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DFG at German Day Organised at JNU, Delhi

Dr. Vaibhav Agarwal is presenting in front of the participants.

Dr. Vaibhav Agarwal, Deputy Director DFG Office India, presenting funding programmes for Indo-German collaboration.


(17.12.24) The DFG Office India presented funding opportunities for Indo-German research collaboration and research stays in Germany.

Vice President Prof. Jacobs in India to celebrate 50 years of Indo-German Science and Technology Cooperation

Vice President DFG Prof. Karin Jacobs speaks to the guests.

Vice President DFG Prof. Karin Jacobs highlighting achievements from 20 years of DFG DST collaboration


(29.11.24) On the occasion of the Golden Jubilee Celebration of Indo-German Science and Technology Cooperation an event took place in New Delhi to showcase the achievements of the scientific & technological cooperation between the two countries. Vice President Prof. Karin Jacobs represented the DFG and highlighted the achievements of the research collaboration facilitated by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in India.

DFG Office India at IIT-Roorkee

The German delegation with Director IIT Roorkee and Deans stand inside behind a slightly round table.

2. (L to R) Dr. Sai Ramudu Meka, IIT Roorkee; Dr Poonam Sehgal Suri, MPG; Dr Vaibhav Agarwal, DFG; Prof. Bruno Merz, Helmholtz Center for Geosciences; Dr Amisha Jain, Uni Köln; Prof. Dr. Axel Bronstert, Uni Potsdam; Prof. K K Pant, Director, IIT Roorkee; Prof. U.P. Singh, Deputy Director, IIT Roorkee; Prof. V C Srivastava, Dean IR, IIT Roorkee; Prof. Akshay Dvivedi, Dean SRIC, IIT Roorkee; Dr Rajiv Kumar, DST; Prof. Sumit Sen, IIT Roorkee; Dr Ankit Agarwal, IIT Roorkee.


(29.11.24) The DFG Office India together with supporters of the DWIH New Delhi and an Indian funding agency hosted an inforation session for Indo German Research collaboration at IIT Roorkee.

DFG at Horizon Europe Research & Innovation Info Day 2024 in Chandigarh and Sonipat

People are sitting around a table

Dr. Vaibhav Agarwal, Deputy Director, DFG India Office during discussion with the participants

(18.09.24) The DFG Office India gave insights into funding opportunities for Indo-German research collaboration. Together with Members of the EU delegation, various schemes were presented and discussed to spend part of a research career in Germany of Europe.

Indo-German Collaboration in Joint Research Projects

Glowing lightbulb with people standing around it in a circle, looking at the lightbulb

© premyuda –

(15.08.24) ICSSR and DFG are launching a joint collaboration for proposals for outstanding joint research projects in the field of social science research.

Indo-German Post-Doc Symposium "Ähnlichkeit als theoretisches Paradigma und ästhetische Praxis"

Seminar room with participants

Post-Doc Symposium at the Committee Room, School of Language, Literature & Culture Studies, JNU


(13.08.24) The DFG Office India together with the Centre of German Studies, JNU facilitated an early career workshop. In honour of the Indian Professor Anil Bhatti research topics of similarity and aesthetics were discussed. German and Indian researchers from the universities of Assam, Bochum, Delhi, Hyderabad and Tübingen discussed their research and exchanged ideas for future collaborations.

DFG Office India at IIT Indore

Impressions of IIT Indore

© IIT Indore

(29.04.24) The DFG Office India together with additional supporters of the DWIH India gave insights into funding schemes for International Research Collaboration and opportunities for research stays in Germany. The hybrid interaction gave the participants at the early and senior career level an overarching insight into the German research landscape and how to engage with its scientists. Earlier a joint Indo-German thematic workshop brought together two research groups to discuss their future collaboration. Both events took place at IIT Indore.

Visit of the CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB) Kolkata

Impressions of CSIR-IICB: Prof. Vibha Tandon

Prof. Vibha Tandon


(15.04.24) The DFG Office India gave an insight into funding schemes for International Research Collaboration at the CSIR Institute in Kolkata. The interaction (hybrid and in person) identified interests for a research stay in Germany and joint Indo-German research projects.

Leibniz Lecture Tour of Prof. Daniel Frost at Geoscience Departments in New Delhi, Kharagpur, Kolkata and Bengaluru, India

Lecture of Prof. Daniel Frost at the IISc Bangalore

Lecture of Prof. Daniel Frost at the IISc Bangalore


(04.03.24) The DFG Office India hosted a Leibniz Lecture Tour of Prof. Daniel J. Frost, University of Bayreuth. He gave insights into his research topics and could engage with researchers and students at various institutes throughout India.

Indo-German Post-Doc Symposium “Bridging Biology and Algorithms: Exploring Data, Models, and Insights”

Poster for the workshop


(19.02.24) The DFG Office India facilitated an early career workshop at the German House in New Delhi. Researchers from the University of Heidelberg and institutions in and around Delhi could discuss their research and engage in discussions about potential collaborations.

Leibniz Lecture by Prof. Stefan Pfister, DKFZ, Heidelberg in New Delhi

Leibniz Lecture: Democratizing access to state-of-the-art molecular diagnostics accross the globe

Leibniz Lecture: Democratizing access to state-of-the-art molecular diagnostics accross the globe


(19.02.24) The DFG Office New Delhi together with the Heidelberg University hosted a Leibniz Lecture of Prof. Stefan Pfister. He gave insights into his research topics and could engage with researchers and clinicians from neighbouring institutions in the Delhi metropole region. The title of his lecture was "Democratizing access to state-of-the art molecular diagnostics across the globe".

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